Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ren Hero Sketches

I started with just fleshing out the main character, he's nameless for right now, but I figured that might help me with creating everything else. 

He's a blacksmith, his parents were slaves though he's a free man. 

There's gonna be a few other characters: the bad guy (the blacksmith who he trains under), a lady he's known in childhood (potential love interest or something), and his mentor figure (a plague doctor). So I want to try to design environments for each of them and right now I've just been drawing trying to get the feel of things.

I want to redo each of the top tumbnails of environments to see if I can really push my focal points and stuff. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

whooo renaissance heros!

Hey guys! So I'm having a hard time creating props without characters...hahaha. So my idea is kind of backfiring right now.
Here are some notes that have been going through my mind.
Still have alot of brainstorming to do and research, but I think I'm narrowing down my project to fleshing out a female hero/ evil king.

Ren Ideas

Female Super hero would be kind of cool.
-tragic story like most super heroes?
 Could be searching for her family
 Could be princess whos's fam has been abducted by evil king
So her mission could be to try to find her family, while trying to stop the evil king.

Evil King
-power hungry
-Fooling his kingdom of the rightful heir----too predictable?
-maybe he is rightful heir, but just crazy. Maybe this could be Heroin's long lost brother?

Knight Hero?

Hero can't have too heavy of armor
wouldn't have super hi-tech stuff
Renaissance style-known for its 'Excessiveness'

Materials of the time: metal/copper ect , wood or nature, concrete (for castles and stuff), clothing

What is their real danger other than losing land?
Maybe king could be mad with special powers. 

King could have his kingdom under a spell.
Heroin is trying to find a way to break that spell?

Heroin was a kid when her kingdom was overthrown. Her parents snuck her out of the kingdom before the evil king
could get her. She hid from soldiers and evil knights and eventually found shelter. Maybe she is found by townspeople
and taken in by them. As she got older, she started exploring and training to avenge her family and her kingdom.


Sunday, May 5, 2013

Ren Heroes

I have some sketches but none of them are scanned yet, so I'll edit this later to add onto them.
For ideas I'm thinking a blacksmith or some sort of tradesman for my main character-- and potentially a plague doctor who is murdering people or something for the villain.

I think I want to do an interior view of the blacksmith shop or house the main character lives in.
I looked into: for black characters in the renaissance, I think it'd be a compelling to not just have a typical middle-aged, white male in the "video game" I'm designing.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

 Hey guys! Sorry it so long to get some art posted. Sitting down and scanning takes longer than I thought. I still have a lot more but I figured I'd post some sketchbook stuff from right before my trip, and during. The Ren Faire drawings are from the reference photos I took (so I could go into more detail), and the other drawings are from the airport. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Sketchy Sundays!

Hey guys, it's great we got this blog together, but now it's time to start putting it to use! We have a month now before CDA classes start and by then things will be even more busy for us. I think now is a good time to start figuring out how we'll utilize this blog. I'm just gonna put some of the stuff we've gone over in our conversations just to have it be out here, and we can discuss here too.

   Monthly Assignment May 2013:   Superheroes of the Renaissance 

To have a rough time-frame I think we should maybe have ideas by the end of the week. Not even thumbnails, but if you can do that great, but I think it is important we research, and really sort out our plan before jumping into design stuff. So if we could post our ideas/plans later this week and bounce ideas off of each other I think that could be very useful! Here's some stuff to help us get a jumpstart:

Things to consider: 

  • The location of your story.
  • Limitations of technology.
  • Social situations of the time (such as being a lady, if your hero is a lady) 
  • How will your story be told? Will you treat it like a live action film, a video game, an animated film? 

Wordy references: 
Sketchy Sundays! 
We all know it can be a real undertaking to work on an assignment such as that, that's why our focus doesn't have to be a completed assignment, or an assignment at all. Meeting up on Sundays is nice- but what about the rest of the week? Or the art that we don't see each other work on? This is the place to put all of that. It's all the benefits of meeting up on Sundays without the Starbucks or cupcakes! I plan to post soon, and I hope we can really get the ball rolling on posts. Even "doodles" I think are important to post. 
I think we should have a rough plan on how things should be tagged. Ideally everything is tagged with your own name (like on CDA blogs), and photo reference (like stuff gathered from field trips) could be tagged as "photo reference". I think maybe the year should be tagged too for easy viewing in the future. Maybe we could tag the project as "Ren Heroes" or something. A post like this I'm going to tag "text" just for the sake of  personal organization.

So like an example of tags would be like: #Sxyvaan Pichon, #photo reference, #2013, #Ren Hero
I'm just kinda thinking aloud now, haha, I guess that's everything I can think of.